Pizza night
Ever since we got the central air conditioning installed the girls have been demanding that we soon have a pizza night. They had been on hold since spring because the oven is required to be at 500 degrees for this and Michigan has been doing its best impersonation of southern Georgia this year, so we’ve been doing a lot of grilling.
The thing with pizza night isn’t really the pizza, it’s that the girls get to make their own, so it’s a huge hit with Savanna and Natalie and any friends they might have over.
The girls and their friends without fail request a cheese pizza, which I’m sure pleases the pizza purists out there. Amy, however, is a big fan of the much reviled/loved Hawaiian pizza, of which I am also a fan. I usually tend to fall more into the “let’s see what we’ve got and pile it on” school of thought. I like plenty of sauce and cheese, so purists might wish to turn away at this point.

All of that said, to me, the whole point of pizza is the crust. So, on pizza nights, I break out the Kitchen-Aid and we get to work. I start of with even amounts off water and flour. Tonight I wanted enough dough for 4 pizzas and 1 pie-shaped pan of bread sticks.
First, I use instant yeast from the bulk pack. I do a lot of bread baking and it’s just more cost-effective and fool-proof to buy the shrink packages of this stuff.
To start I use 2 cups of ~100 degree water. Temperature isn’t critical with instant yeast, but warmer seems to make it work faster.

Next, I change to the hook and start adding more bread flour at ½ to ¼ cup intervals until the dough forms a ball and is pulling away from the sides of the bowl leaving only a minimal amount of moist flour on the bottom of the bowl.

Once the dough is where it needs to be I remove the hook, tip back the motor and watch the dough rise until it’s double in bulk, usually about an hour or 45 minutes depending on how warm the kitchen is.

I use just my basic tomato sauce recipe. One 24 ounce can of tomatoes, either diced, whole or sauce, depending on my mood and what I have on hand. Tonight diced was the winner by default. I’m sure at some point I’ll get the recipe out here, but mostly it’s just this. One can of tomatoes, oregano, basil, rosemary, a pinch of sugar and a couple of garlic cloves, crushed.

All there is from this point is to roll out the dough, top it with what you want and stick it in a 500 degree oven for 10-15 minutes.
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The girls’ cheese pizzas are pictured here, Natalie went with a dog and Savanna’s was a bull … that girl watches a lot of rodeo.
My pizza, and I’m not just saying this, was truly the single greatest pizza I have ever made. I used jalapenos from my container garden in the backyard, some spring onions that have held well in the refrigerator somehow and smoke dried tomatoes from Boggy Creek Farm that my dear mother graciously shipped up here from Austin. Boggy Creek’s smoke dried tomatoes can be substituted for bacon in a lot of recipes and I was using it as one might use bacon or pancetta in recipe. But to say it’s a “substitute” is to sell it way short, in most cases they are far, far superior to bacon … and I am a committed carnivore. Using smoke dried tomatoes is like inviting a campfire into your food. It’s hard to put into words what they taste like, but my guess is that it must be what bacon would taste like right off the smoker instead of sitting in shrink wrap … and that’s still not doing it justice.
The crust turned out very well, it drove right down that thin, fine line between too thick, and too thin. I don’t want it to be cracker-like and I don’t want the bread to dominate the pie.
The results tonight were sublime.